Degree Qualifications Profile

In this program, students learn strategies to solve problems and answer questions in a fast and efficient manner. The training received by them allows them to work in an interdisciplinary manner, interacting with physicians, chemists, biologists, geologists, environmental engineers, agronomists, and professionals from other fields of engineering.

Physics is an extremely wide field, and offers plenty of opportunities in the labor market. Physicists can specialize in medical physics, environmental physics, material physics, theoretical physics, nuclear physics, among other areas. Aside from these specializations, physicists are capable of working in industry, research, development, production oversight, distribution, quality control, and patentable works.

They can also work in electronics, automotive industries, optics, software development for scientific and technological applications, construction, mechanics, machinery, electrotechnology, biotechnology, medical technology, aeronautics, and environmental science.

They can teach in universities, secondary school, institutes dedicated to technological training, once they have received further training in teaching methods. They can be technical assistants and participate in basic and applied research, and serve as expert assessors.

In the field of medical physics, they can work in the development and maintenance of medical equipment; and participate in the development of treatment plans with radiotherapy, supervise radiation protection, and collaborate in the development of methods of dosage minimization in X-ray diagnosis. In the service market, they can work in telecommunications, as well as the training of laboratory technicians or other technical workers, and be advisors to insurance companies.

Overall Goals

Upon completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:

  • Solve novel and current physics problems, creating original knowledge related to the properties of matter, motion, and energy.
  • Explain phenomena through the employment of the scientific method.
  • Carry out qualitative and quantitative analysis of natural phenomena.
  • Dominate the fields of knowledge contained in the curriculum.
  • Formulate theories on the behavior of nature.
  • Build algorithms for the solution of problems through a computer.
  • Apply hypothetic -deductive reasoning.
  • Understand, disseminate, and write scientific articles.
  • Create models and interpret their behavior through computational methods.
  • Investigate, study, and experiment with phenomena that involve from the fundamental components and interactions of matter at the subatomic scale, going through the macroscopic properties of matter that manifest in complex physical systems, to the measurement systems in complex physical systems, to large-scale measurement systems.
  • Participate in multidisciplinary teams responsible for the formulation, execution, and assessment of programs and projects where physical processes are involved.

Curriculum: plan_estudios_2009_fisica

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Department of Physics
