The curriculum of this program responds to the needs of an increasingly demanding consumption-oriented society, that demands high-quality education and training.

Degree Qualifications Profile

The graduates of this program carry out, assess, modify, and implement statistical analyses in the various fields of human activity, applying appropriate techniques.

They design, implement, elaborate, and modify instruments destined to the collection and storage of data. They advise on the aspects of definition, search, validation, depuration, consistency, integrity, and management of data and information.

They assess, create, and modify sampling and experimental designs for research where the inclusion of statistical method is required for the processing and analysis of data, in order to make inferences about topics of interest.

They carry out and assess the financial aspects of investment projects, plan annual and multiannual activities, and elaborate short, medium, and long-term budgets. They design, assess, and implement operation control systems.

They can teach in secondary and tertiary education, once they have received further training in teaching methods. They can also produce teaching materials for statistics courses for secondary and tertiary education.

Overall Goals

Upon completion of the program, the graduate will be able to:

  • Show sufficient statistical knowledge for application to concrete situations.
  • Optimize scientific and technological training.
  • Give support and specialized advisory to companies and governmental bodies.
  • Guide to effective solutions after analyzing cases.
  • Participate in educational tasks within their field of specialty.
  • Transmit their scientific knowledge and experiences about their field.

Plan de Estudios: plan_estudios_2009_estadistica

Info and Contact

Department of Statistics


Mobile: 0991 408570

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm