The Department of Statistics was created by Resolution Nº 0082-2012 of the Directing Council, on march 9 ;  by Resolution Nº 106-2012, dated april 1, it was designated a Department director.  Previously it depended on the Department of Mathematics.


Manage and coordinate the academic activities of graduate and postgraduate courses, research, university extension and administration activities inherent to the Department of Statistics.


– Submit for consideration of the Faculty Council, through the deanery, the annual planning of teaching, research and extension activities.

– Organize, program, execute and evaluate the teaching affecting the area of Statistics for each academic year, in accordance with the curricula.

– Organize and develop specialization, updating and post-graduate courses in the area of Statistics.

– Organize and develop research and extension activities in the area of Statistics.

– To permanently promote the scientific and pedagogical updating of its members.


Director Prof. MSc. Anselmo Maciel
Coordinator of career Prof. Lic. Juan Carlos Orué
University Extension Coordinator  Lic. Mercedes Benitez Peña
Coordination of postgraduate and research Prof. MSc. Benigno R. Olmedo Garay


– Allocate subjects per academic period to the different professors of the Department

 – Prepare class schedules, partial and final exams for the two academic periods per year

 – Advice the students, when they need it; Prepare class records or assessments upon request.

– Organize annual conferences, talks and Statistic day.

– Conduct refresher courses for graduates every year.

Areas of Department of Statistics

The areas of Department of Statistics were approve by Resolution Nº 0347-2015, dated June 9.

Probability and inference Statistical models Sampling and applied statistics
Probabilidad y Estadística I Análisis de Reg.  y Correlación Técnicas de Muestreo
Probabilidad y Estadística II Análisis Multivariado Muestreo Avanzado
Inferencia Estadística I Análisis de Series de Tiempo Análisis de Datos I
Inferencia Estadística II Modelos Lineales Generalizados Demografía
Inferencia Bayesiana Modelos Lineales Análisis de Datos II
Procesos Estocásticos Diseño de Experimentos Programación lineal
Investigación de Operaciones Análisis de Datos en Categorías Control de Proyectos
Estadística No Paramétrica Econometría Estadística Aplicada
Probabilidad y Estadística Bioestadística II Formulación de Proyectos
Probabilidad y Estadística III Evaluación Financiera de Inversiones
Bioestadística I Realidad Nacional
Gestión Financiera Pública
Estadística con R

Heads of Practical Work

The Department of Statistics has a team of Heads of Practical Works distributed by the areas mentioned and that have the function of supporting the students in their academic performance, attending consultations on contents of the corresponding subjects.

Area Manager Hours
Probability and inference Lic. Juan Ignacio Mereles Lunes a Viernes de 08:00 a 12:00hs
Statistical models Lic. Rossana Portillo Lunes a Viernes de 17:00 a 21:00hs
Sampling and applied statistics Lic. Milciades Espinola Lunes a Viernes de 14:00 a 18:00hs