The Direction of Research, with its commitment in the strategic plan to increase the scientific productivity of the Faculty, has drawn three lines of action in the last five years: the training of researchers, the creation and strengthening of lines of research and dissemination of the results of the publications.

In order to fulfill the proposed objectives, the Research Direction has coordinated five post-qualification courses in Scientific Research Methodology, mainly addressed to faculty and graduates of the FACEN. It has organized four scientific writing workshops and five workshops for the drafting of research proposals to be presented to the Rectorate and CONACyT. The Program of Scientific Initiation has been promoted with the participation of 50 students in different research groups. Five days of the event “Young researchers of the FACEN” were organized to stimulate the presentation of research papers at the Conferences of “Young researchers of AUGM and UNA”. The FACEN has participated with 15 works in the Conference of “Young researchers of the AUGM” organized in the last years.

The thematic areas developed in the FACEN are: environment, biodiversity, natural products and synthetic compounds, health; with the lines of research: mutagenesis, teratogenesis and environmental genotoxicity, global change, atmospheric physics, water quality, water purification, floristic fauna resources, vegetal cytogenetics, economic botany and ethnobotany, ionizing radiations applied to aedicine, Biological dosimetry of ionizing radiations cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of natural products, phytochemistry, biodiversity conservation, ecotoxicology, bio mathematics and mathematical models, microbiology of water resources, among others.


– Plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the functioning of the Research System, in accordance with the policies, guidelines, plans and programs issued by the higher and competent authorities of the Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales.

– Elaborate the Annual Research Program of the Faculty, containing the schedule of the research activities and submit it to the Dean’s consideration.

– Orient and support the development of research work, in coordination with the departments of the Faculty, in accordance with the policies given by the superiority.

– Promote and strengthen joint research programs and projects between the FACEN, and other institutions of higher education and the country’s development programs.

– To assist in linking the FACEN’s research works with the sectors producing goods and services.

– Organize conferences on research topics with the participation of professors, university graduates and national and foreign entrepreneurs, according to policies given by the Dean.

– Promote the use of high technology instruments in research work.

– Promote programs of cooperation with other universities or national and international cooperation agencies, which make it possible to finance the work or carry out joint research.

– Inform the faculty Council and Dean of new discoveries and developments that may be of interest to the different FACEN careers.

– Conduct, in coordination with the other Directors of Departments, the evaluation of the research tasks.
